4. Healthy and inspiring workplaces

Proactive efforts for a healthy, safe and stimulating work environment for employees and suppliers are a prerequisite for well-being and commitment.

John Mattson strives to offer a workplace that is characterised by a healthy approach to work, where staff enjoy working and are highly committed, and where each employee has an ability to influence. Our workplaces also need to be safe and secure.

Targets and governance

John Mattson’s goal is to rank above the average rating for comparable companies in terms of organisational engagement and efficiency. We are to have an inclusive corporate culture and gender equality within the organisation, where the proportion of women or men does not exceed two thirds within the company, management and the Board of Directors. Aggregate absenteeism among employees and management is to be no higher than 3% and the number of accidents at our workplaces, including our construction sites, is to be zero. The governing policies within these areas include our code of conduct, our work environment policy, our salary policy, our whistle-blower policy, our equality and equal treatment policy, and our substance abuse policy. We also have guidelines about victimisation, harassment and sexual harassment as well as guidelines for adaptation and rehabilitation.

Commitment that grows

John Mattson conducts brief weekly surveys to measure current sentiment in the organisation. This enables us to proactively manage deviations. Questions in the survey address leadership, job satisfaction, meaningfulness, autonomy, work situation, participation, personal development, team spirit and commitment. Despite major streamlining in the operations in 2023, employee satisfaction increased substantially compared with 2022. The collective outcome for all of these areas was 7.9 out of 10 for Q4 2023, compared with the industry average of 7.8.

For John Mattson, it is important to obtain several perspectives on issues, which is why employees are included in various ways in the company’s development work. One example is the tenant surveys, where employees are involved in analysing the results and developing concrete action plans. In 2023, a conference was held for the entire organisation based on core values. To steer the company toward its goals and strengthen the feeling of participation, John Mattson offers a bonus programme for all employees.

Sustainable leadership

John Mattson’s managers have an important role in the company’s continued journey. In 2022, all managers started a leadership development programme, training that continued in 2023. The goal of the programme is to create a shared leadership platform based on a clearly formulated idea of leadership and to provide managers with the know-how and tools for delegated, goal-oriented and performanceraising leadership. Important components of this comprise feedback and motivating conversations with employees. Goals based on annual employee conversations are regularly followed up during the year to clearly guide individual and company work toward our goals.

Diversity and equal treatment

John Mattson strives for an even gender balance in all personnel groups and requires recruitment processes to support a broad range of skills. Our gender equality target is for the proportion of women or men to not exceed two thirds within the company, management and the Board of Directors. At the end of 2023, the gender breakdown was 53/47 men/women at the company, with 50/50 in management and 57/43 on the Board of Directors.