Year-end report 2021

A year of strong growth with a 36% increase in net asset value

In 2021, John Mattson’s income from property management per share increased 14%, adjusted for non-recurring costs for the year. Net asset value per share increased 36%. John Mattson’s goal is for an average annual increase in income from property management per share of at least 10% and NAV growth per share of at least 10%.

Property value increased SEK 7.9 billion in 2021 and amounted to SEK 15.9 billion at the end of December. This means that by the end of 2021, we had reached our goal for the Group’s property value to amount to at least SEK 10 billion by the end of 2023.

A total of 179 base upgrades and 160 total upgrades were carried out during the year. 

“John Mattson delivered a fantastic performance for 2021 and established itself in several attractive areas in the Stockholm region. As a new CEO, it is gratifying to note that the company delivered an increased income from property management and grew net asset value through successful acquisitions and thorough integration. We are also excited that we carried out a record number of total upgrades in 2021. With a significantly larger property portfolio and an expanded project portfolio, we have created healthy opportunities for future growth,” says John Mattson’s CEO Per Nilsson.

January–December 2021

  • Rental revenues totalled SEK 407.9 million (294.0), up 39%.
  • Income from property management was SEK 103.1 million (94.7), corresponding to SEK 2.98 per share (2.81). Adjusted for non-recurring costs for the year, growth in income from property management per share increased 14%.
  • NAV amounted to SEK 6,396.6 million (4,352.0), corresponding to SEK 175.90 per share (129.25). Growth in NAV per share was 36%.
  • Changes in property values amounted to SEK 1,539.0 million (517.7) and changes in the value of interest-rate derivatives to SEK 48.0 million (negative: 4.3).
  • Earnings after tax for the year totalled SEK 1,332.5 million (478.8), of which SEK 1,322.0 million pertained to the Parent Company’s shareholders, corresponding to SEK 38.21 per share (14.22).
  • Property value totalled SEK 15,894.5 million (7,957.9).
  • Investments amounted to SEK 6,398.4 million (1,075.0), of which SEK 6,143.8 million (857.7) pertained to acquisitions.
  • The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that no dividend, that is a dividend of SEK 0 (0), should be distributed for the 2021 financial year.

Lidingö, 23 February 2022
John Mattson Fastighetsföretagen AB (publ)

For further information, please contact:
Per Nilsson, CEO of John Mattson
+46 (0)72-224 90 28,
[email protected]

Maria Sidén, CFO, John Mattson
+46 (0)70-337 66 36,
[email protected]

This information is information that John Mattson Fastighetsföretagen AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 8.00 a.m. CET on 23 February 2022.

About John Mattson Fastighetsföretagen AB (publ)
John Mattson is a residential property owner with 4,400 rental apartments as well as commercial premises in five municipalities of Stockholm: Lidingö, Sollentuna, Stockholm, Nacka and Upplands Väsby. As of 31 December 2021, the property value was SEK 15.9 billion. The focus of the company’s strategy is on property management, adding value, densification and acquisitions. The management of John Mattson’s properties is characterised by an overall perspective and close customer relationships. The company’s goal is to create great neighbourhoods across generations. John Mattson’s shares are listed under the symbol JOMA on Nasdaq Stockholm, Mid Cap. Read more at: and

Charlotte Nordén
Head of Communications and Marketing
08- 613 35 08