
John Mattson has a clear set of core values that permeates operations. These values are based on professional and engaged long-term actions and an ambition to be a role model in the industry. John Mattson has one of the industry’s highest service indices for customer satisfaction, which everyone at the company maintains and improves.

Employees at John Mattson are team players in a stable organisation with skilled and engaged colleagues who are all striving for the same goal – creating housing and neighbourhoods where people will thrive for a long time to come.

Read more about John Mattson as an employer

Through John Mattson Whistleblower channel, you can confidentially and securely report suspicions of serious misconduct within our organisation that you have become aware of through a work-related context. Follow up or submit a report here. 

Charlotte Nordén
Head of Communications and Marketing
08- 613 35 08